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Learning Through Play: Future of Education for Kids

Jan 25, 2019

Educators are re-thinking how to teach young children to tap their enormous learning potential. Play is one of the most important ways in which young children gain essential knowledge and skills. For this reason, play opportunities and environments that promote play, exploration and hands-on learning are at the core of effective pre-primary programmes. The next section of this brief explains what is meant by play and play-based learning and gives examples of the many ways in which children learn through playing. 

Learning through playing with skidos
Learning through playing with skidos

Learning does not have to be boring. Children today are constantly engaged with smartphones and tablets. Why not make these gadgets their learning buddy? Here are some handy tips to find the best educational apps of 2019 for your children.

Learning is the key

Identify your child’s learning needs and choose learning games that will help them to fulfill those needs. Whether it is learning to count or spelling new words, mobile games can be an engaging way to spend time on gadgets while also improving your skills.

Is it engaging?

This question may not be important for you. But it is definitely important for your children. If the game app is not engaging and exciting, be sure that your child will get easily distracted and bored with the game. It is one thing to add colorful numbers and a completely different thing to do maths while fighting pirates. Which one do you think will your child enjoy more?

Get rid of the clutter

There are too many apps for kids that cater to the same need. So how do you know which is the best for your child? Always read the user reviews. If another parent faced a challenge, chances are you will too. But if most parents are satisfied with the results, then be rest assured that you’re making the right choice. If the app has a website then visit the site to know more about the mobile game. An informed decision is a better decision.

One or many

There are mobile games  that teach multiple skills like math, spellings, colors, and shapes. And then there are learning apps that are designed to meet specific learning needs. Assess what your child needs. If they are in primary school then choosing an app to teach multiple skills may be helpful. But if your child is in the advanced stages of learning then choose a game that will provide targeted engagement instead of slowing down your child with unnecessary rounds.

Us time

Our busy lives coupled with gadgets are making us isolated. As a parent, you may sometimes feel guilty for not spending as much time with your child as you would like to. A good education app may be your chance to make up for some of the lost time. Find a multi-player app or an app like Bike Racing, where you and your children can spend some quality time together, while they learn and have fun.

Is it expensive?

Maybe, maybe not. But a good educational app should cost you less than your monthly Netflix subscription. And will save you the trouble of searching for the right content. A lot of apps may also have ads that will require an additional purchase to stop them from interrupting your child’s experience. Make sure to find out about these hidden costs. Your subscription should be the only payment you make for the app.

Get started to find the right learning app for your child at


SKIDOS’s interactive learning games for kids are designed for 2 – 11-year-olds & are aligned with their academic objectives. With our educational games, guide your children to become confident learners in math, coding, & reading. Introduce them to 21st-century skills that will help them prepare for a brighter future. With easy-to-access weekly reports, you can keep an eye on their progress, too. 

With a SKIDOS Pass, you get the best value of:

  • 48+ Learning games 
  • 1000+ fun activities for your kids
  • 6 players in 1 account
  • Cancel anytime
  • Learning Progress Tracking
  • And no third-party advertising