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How to overcome reading difficulties? Tips to Improve your Child's Reading

Mar 27, 2024
Education , Kids Learning , Parenthood , SKIDOS

Several young parents today encounter a common problem: witnessing reading difficulties in their children. Whether your little one is just starting out on their reading adventure or is already knee-deep in chapter books, it’s not uncommon to hit a few bumps along the way. But fear not! With a sprinkle of patience, a dash of creativity, and a whole lot of love, we can help our kids overcome these hurdles and become confident readers.

Navigating reading difficulties can feel overwhelming, but trust me, you’re not alone in this. Every child learns at their own pace, and it’s perfectly normal for them to encounter some bumps in the road. The key is to arm ourselves with strategies and tips to support our children as they develop their reading skills. Using online literacy-themed games like SKIDOS IRIS (I read, I succeed) can help you introduce key reading skills to your children with ease.

Before we begin, let’s start by acknowledging that reading is more than just decoding words on a page. It’s about understanding, interpreting, and connecting with the text. With this in mind, here are five practical tips to help busy parents encourage early reading in their young kids:

Create a Reading Routine:
Establishing a regular reading routine can significantly impact a child’s reading habits. Even with busy schedules, allocating just 10-15 minutes each day to read with your child can make a substantial difference. Choose a consistent time, such as before bedtime or during breakfast, to incorporate reading into your daily schedule. Consistency is key to forming habits, and by making reading a predictable part of your child’s day, they will come to anticipate and enjoy this special time with you.

Lead by Example:
Children often mimic the behaviors of their parents, so demonstrating a love for reading yourself can greatly influence your child’s attitudes towards books. Demonstrating a genuine interest in reading sets a powerful example. Sharing personal anecdotes about books you’ve enjoyed or discussing interesting facts from your reading material can spark curiosity and curiosity in your child, fostering a positive attitude towards reading.

Let your child see you reading for pleasure, whether it’s a novel, magazine, or newspaper. Show enthusiasm for books and reading by discussing what you’re reading with your child and sharing stories from your own reading experiences. By modeling reading as a enjoyable and valuable activity, you can inspire your child to develop a similar passion for books.

Create a Print-Rich Environment:
Surrounding your child with books and other reading materials encourages exploration and curiosity. Designate a special area in your home for books, such as a cozy reading corner or shelf. A print-rich environment stimulates language development and cultivates a curiosity for reading. By integrating books and print materials into your child’s surroundings, you create a visually stimulating environment that invites exploration and engagement. 

Keep a variety of age-appropriate books easily accessible to your child and rotate them regularly to maintain interest. Incorporate print into everyday activities by labeling household items, playing word games, or displaying alphabet charts. By immersing your child in a print-rich environment, you provide opportunities for independent exploration and discovery.

Make Reading Interactive:
Engage your child in interactive reading experiences to enhance comprehension and enjoyment. This will promote active engagement and comprehension skills in young children. Encourage your child to ask questions, make predictions, and discuss the story as you read together. Using expressive voices and incorporating gestures brings the text to life, making it more engaging and memorable for children. Use different voices for characters, incorporate gestures, and encourage your child to act out scenes from the book.

Encourage active participation by allowing your child to turn the pages, point to pictures, and make connections between the story and their own experiences. By making reading a collaborative and interactive experience, you can capture your child’s interest and foster a deeper understanding of the text.

Celebrate Milestones and Progress:
Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements and progress in reading. Praise their efforts and accomplishments, whether it’s recognizing new words, completing a book independently, or showing enthusiasm for reading.  Recognizing and celebrating your child’s reading milestones and progress reinforces their motivation and self-esteem. By praising their efforts and accomplishments, parents provide positive reinforcement and validation, nurturing a sense of pride and confidence in their abilities.

Create a reading log or chart to track their progress and set achievable goals together. Offer positive reinforcement and rewards, such as stickers or special treats, to motivate your child and reinforce their love for reading. By celebrating milestones and progress, you instill confidence and a sense of accomplishment in your child, encouraging them to continue exploring the world of books.

Introducing SKIDOS IRIS: A Fun Adventure to Reading Success

Embark on an adventure with IRIS, a learning game designed to ignite your child’s love for reading while honing essential literacy skills. Let your child join the friendly digital buddy Neta in a fascinating treasure hunt to explore phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension in a completely immersive adventure!

Incorporating elements of the science of reading, IRIS offers a dynamic platform for children to reinforce their learning in an enjoyable way. Join the treasure quest and watch your child soar as a confident reader!

In conclusion, encouraging early reading in young children requires commitment and creativity, especially for busy parents. By implementing these practical tips—establishing a reading routine, leading by example, creating a print-rich environment, making reading interactive, and celebrating milestones—parents can foster a love for reading in their children and set them on the path to lifelong learning and literacy. With dedication and encouragement, even amidst busy schedules, parents can play a vital role in nurturing their child’s literacy skills and fostering a lifelong love for reading.


Ultimately, the goal is to make sure everyone can become a good reader!


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