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Moving Beyond the Fear of Math: Building the Foundation for First Grade Math

Apr 22, 2019

Starting a first grade can be both exciting and daunting. With new classmates and teachers, higher levels of learning can prove to be intimidating for your child. Often, math becomes the main villain. But you can help your child overcome the fear of numbers and improve their first-grade math skills. Here are some handy tips to help your child move ahead.

Understand the problem

From peer pressure to not being able to follow the teacher’s instructions, there can be many reasons for your child to get stuck. Talk to your child. Try to understand the real reason for their fear of numbers. Take a look at their curriculum and, if required, speak to the teacher to help your child resolve the problem.

Math is for everyone

First grade is an important milestone. It is here that children often pick up the idea that everyone cannot be good at math. If your child is visibly making less efforts in learning, this could be a reason. Make them understand that math is an important part of our everyday life. Let them count the number of fruits you brought from the market. Or encourage them to count the loose change in your purse. This will build their confidence and help them learn better.

Make learning fun

Math does not have to be only a school subject. It can also be a fun pastime and a way to bond with your child. Math games for 1st graders can help your child have fun while they learn. Choose a multiplayer game so that you can join in with your child. This will take off the pressure of learning and encourage your child to take more interest in the subject.

Back to the basics

Very often when stuck with one math problem, it can impact the overall learning. You may notice your child making mistakes even with the problems that they previously solved easily. Try to reach the root of the problem. Once they can solve that one problem, everything else will become a cake walk.

Clocks and calendars

In the digital age, analogue can prove to be a very good math teacher. Encourage your child to calculate the number of hours left before their favourite TV show starts. Or let them count the number of days left for holidays to begin. This will help them get rid of the fear of numbers and make friends with math.

Do you like maths?

Have you been telling your child how you were bad at maths in school? Or how you hated going to the math class and how your teacher was a monster? Guess what! Your child may not actually be bad in maths but is getting impacted by your stories. Children are not weak in any subject genetically but can psychologically be encouraged or discouraged. Instead of recollecting all your bad memories at the dinner table, tell your child about all the fun you had in the math class.

Even if it has nothing to do with the subject, it will encourage your child to look forward to math period instead of getting scared. Tell them about the friends you had in that class. Ask them about their day and let them tell you all the good things they experienced. This will go a long way in improving their math and building their confidence.

You can get started with some engaging math games for first graders at


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